Wow! So much political opinion has been thrown at me lately, I think I just might go crazy! I find it funny that people on Facebook keep posting articles and making comments that either support their candidate or show how horrible the other candidate is. Do you really think that first of all, I 'm going to read the article that you posted that was written by your political party and second of all, I'm going to let that sway my vote? I don't have time to read these biased articles. And, let's face it, don't most of us already know who we are going to vote for? I'm pretty sure the 15 articles you just posted on Facebook is not going to change anyone's vote. In fact, all you are doing is clogging my wall and pissing me off.
So, who should be president? I'm not going to tell you who to vote for, or even who I'm going to vote for (although if you know me, you already know). I will, however, tell you what I want to see in a president. Unfortunately, I don't think this person exists.
I want a president who, no matter who he (or she) pisses of, will stand up for what he believes in. Don't say what you think you want the people to hear. Tell me how you REALLY feel.
I want a president who believes that all people, black, white, brown, purple, yellow, green, male, female, gay, straight, should be treated equally. Don't pay me less because I am a woman, don't deny my friend benefits because he is black, or gay.
I want a president who believes that as an educated woman, I can make my own decisions about my own body. You have never walked in my shoes or lived in my world. Why do you think you know what is best for me?
I want a president who will put America first. I love my country, I really do. I want to fix what is wrong here, then we will be in a better position to help other nations. There are so many poor and hungry children here, can't we help them?
I want a president who believes that everyone is entitled to great health care, especially children. It is not fair that a person with a pre-existing condition can't find a new job, a better job, because they will lose the health care that pays for life saving medications. It's not fair that children (who really are the only innocent ones in this whole f-ed up situation) have to suffer because their parents can't afford to buy the medication that could save their lives. It's not fair that they have to suffer through the pain and embarrassment of having major dental issues because their parents can't afford the dental care that is needed. Children should never, ever be denied health care.
I want a president who understands that it does take money to run the country. Taxes are necessary, there is no doubt in my mind about that. I want someone who thinks everyone should pay their fair share. Is that a percentage, a sliding scale? I'm not sure. I do think that there must be a fair way to figure this out.
I want a president who makes education a priority. History shows, you either spend the money on education today or prisons tomorrow. I also want a president who understands that every child will NEVER score 100% on every test. Educations needs a total re-haul in this country. We need to look to the European nations who offer trade schools and colleges. Not every child is college bound, or should be. We need trades people, and there has been a sharp decline in these fields lately. Why not offer these courses in high school...and watch the drop out rate make a sharp decline.
I want a president who will listen to the people, all of us, and then make what he truly thinks is the best decision for the nation, the entire nation, not just the rich, not just the poor, not just the middle class. What is best for ALL of us, for Americans?
I want a president who will do that. That's who I want to vote for.