Teach your child manners. He should say, "Thank you," when someone does something for him and, "You are welcome," (not "sure") when someone thanks him. He should hold the door when he is the first one through. He should place the napkin on his lap at the table and smile when someone walks by.
Teach your child empathy. She should notice when someone is upset and try to make the person feel better. She should understand when someone wants to be left alone, but be there when someone needs a shoulder to cry on. She should know not to judge a person before walking in his shoes.
Teach your child respect. He should not talk back to a person in authority. He should look a person in the eyes when talking. He should listen when being spoken to. He should treat others the way he wants to be treated.
Teach your child kindness. She should keep her mouth shut if she doesn't have something nice to say. She should say nice things. She should invite the new kid to play with her. She should stand up for the kid who is being picked on.
Teach your child responsibility. He should accept consequences for his actions. He should work to be sure those consequences are few and far between. He should do his homework without complaint. He should have chores, and do them on a regular basis. He should do what he says.
Teach your child cleanliness. She should shower regularly. She should keep her teeth brushed and her hair combed. She should wear clean clothes (or at least start out in them).
Teach your child safety. He should look both ways before crossing the street. He should wear a helmet when appropriate. He should watch for cars when riding his bike. He should walk with others to and from school. He should know where to go in case of an emergency.
Most of all, teach your child love. Be sure your child knows you love her. Be sure your child knows he is your world. Be sure your child knows what she means to you. Never, ever let a day go by that you don't tell him, "I love you."