I haven't really been watching the news lately, it just depresses me too much, but you would have to live under a rock to not know what is going on in Baltimore. I know that people are angry, frustrated and scared and that I'll never understand that kind of fear because, well, I just never will. I can't help but feel like society is going backwards. Black people are afraid of cops, white people don't know who to believe, it's all just getting out of hand. Here's what I do know:
There are bad cops.
There are bad black people.
There are bad white people.
There are bad brown and beige people.
There are bad Muslims, Catholics, Christians and Atheists.
There are bad teachers, doctors, lawyers, politicians, waitresses, bankers and investors.
There are bad people of every race, religion and field of employment (and even bad unemployed people).
But, here's what I believe:
There are good cops.
There are good black people.
There are good white people.
There are good brown and beige people.
There are good Muslims, Catholics, Christians and Atheists.
There are good teachers, doctors, lawyers, politicians, waitresses, bankers and investors.
There are good people of every race, religion and field of employment (and even good unemployed people).
And I believe that the good outnumber the bad in every one of those categories. I know things are looking dark right now, but what if we all tried to see the good in others? What if we lifted each other up, complimented and gave praise instead of looking for the bad and criticizing? I know we can love each other and end violence. I know that we can be happy and non-judgmental. How do we get there? That's where I want to be and that's how I'm going to live. Maybe I'm just some crazy naive white girl, but I am going to look for the good in everyone I meet. I hope we all can do the same.