It's been a while since I have written a blog post. I guess I feel like I don't have anything important to say most of the time. I decided I'm going to try to post at least once a week for the coming year to help me keep focus on my new endeavor. What is it, you might ask? I have decided to go back to school (again) to get my administration certification.
If you are like my daughter, you are asking why? Don't you have enough on your plate? The answer is yes, and no. I have spent the last 15 years of my life focusing on the most important things in my world: my kids. I have been their taxi driver, scout leader, cheerleader, and teacher. I stayed at the same school for 10 years because my children were at my school. I've helped with homework, watched karate, swim lessons, and dance practice and listened to them play piano, guitar, sing, whatever their little hearts are into at the moment. I have spent so much time loving and caring for them that I forgot about taking care of myself. My children are growing up now and though they'll still need me for a while, I know the days of staying busy for them are coming to an end.
So now it's my turn. I earned this time. I am going to do things for me. I see an opportunity to better my career and I'm going to take it. The next 17 months aren't going to be easy; my classes are going to take a lot of my time. I still struggle with the fact that I am often doing homework instead of playing games or hanging out with my family. But I'm learning that it's okay to take a few hours out of my week to do something for me. I'll be a better person for it in the end.