My son has four days left in elementary school. Four days and then he becomes a stinky, hormonal middle schooler. I was lucky enough to have my children with me at elementary school, and having my baby go on to middle school is taking it's toll on this mommy. Not only is he going off to be with big kids, but I won't be there to keep an eye on him. I've had one of my babies close by for the last nine years, and now they will both be on their own (so to speak). I know this is harder on me than him and he is ready for the change. I know this because of what he learned in elementary school.
My son learned to read, write, and do math in elementary school. He knows the constitution, the history of our country and state, and how to write a paragraph. He learned to add, subtract, multiply, and divide. I know he's ready for the academic challenges of middle school. But my son learned so much more than this.
He learned that life isn't fair. He learned the smart kids, the well behaved kids, the kind kids, aren't the ones who earn the awards. He learned working hard and doing well isn't going to get you that trophy or that medal. He learned the students who really deserve the recognition don't get it. Really, just ask him.
And in spite of this, he learned working hard and doing what's right is important, even if you don't get the recognition. Knowing what is right, and doing what is right, that feeling you get, that is more important than the piece of pizza at Principal's Lunch or the piece of paper at the award ceremony. Amazingly, though he hasn't been recognized for three years for never getting in trouble, having good attendance, or having a grade below a C, being a good student is important to him.
So tonight I thank the teachers at his school. Not for being supportive (though there were a couple who were), or for being a good role model, but for teaching him a lesson. Sometimes it really is the "bad kids" who get all of the credit...and the "good kids", well, they are just good because they know it's the right thing to do. I know this is a lesson my son will carry with him for the rest of his life. I just wish he would have learned it a different way.