Friday, January 1, 2016

New Year New Me?

I have been seeing New Year's resolutions all over the place. Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter. It's interesting to me how one day out of the year make a difference. Why do we wait for the New Year to make resolutions? If I want to better myself, why not today? I've never been one to make New Year's resolutions. I've never really understood them. If I want to make a change I'll do it now, not wait for the first of the year. I guess it has significance in being a new start, but the change really needs to start with me. One day can't really change my life, that comes from within. The new year is just another day and who I am, that comes from the heart. See, the calendar isn't going to make change happen; I need to make the change. Decide who I want to be and be that person. I have to live for me, and not wait around for a specific day. So, in this new year, I guess I hope that you see who you should be. Not just today, but every day of this year.

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